
very well said!

thank you! i'm a bit disappointed by his comments on this thread...

it's not bad. this story,and several others I've heard about over the years, is why I only go to female gynecologists.

I just looked that up. jesus...

sad. and, you bitches making lame ass jokes are sadder.


"I'd like them both blown-up to about 6' x 4' and hang them above my bed so that each morning I may awake and receive their permission to conquer the motherfucking day." hell yeah!

I am so sorry and angry about what happened to you. I hate—yes,hate!- -incompetent doctors. they may have graduated from a very good college— but they're only as good as how they treat their patients... I read articles awhile back about black people not trusting in the medical field and doctors not taking into account

cool story! what's your name?*

yeah. I like reading baby name books (for names for my fictional characters) and I found out that tyrone and Jerome—names I associate with black men— are actually French in origin! lmao!

from reading others' comments from groupthink,i'm starting to believe that he's doing this to prove a point. initially ,i thought ,"the boy done lost his mind."

my goodness...! when i was a teen (in the nineties),i listened to her music until i found out she wore a swastika. the internet existed then—why didn't i look it up?

what kind of software? i've never heard of such a thing.*

not all year but it's still sexy.

no,you missed my point. when i asked why it was ok to hit a child but not an adult,i wanted you to see how ridiculous it is to hit the most defenseless of us human beings and it not be a crime to do so. nevertheless,i disagree with your stance on what i consider to be child abuse.

but,if you did that to a grown up,you'd face charges,right? why is it ok to hit a child but not an adult? I don't think that hitting or yelling at a child is necessary when you can teach by good example.

amen! it's illegal to hit an adult but not a child? I call people who yell at or hit their children lazy and cowardly.

I love your name.