
I don't get your point.

I'm aware of that but it still does not explain why he disrespected the black woman. you should look up "racio-misogyny" to understand my point.

so wrong.


where,in any of my posts,did I make an excuse for chris brown? as I've said before, i'm not critiquing articles about chris brown—i'm critiquing the people,like the ones (you included) who are making excuses for Charlie,Michael and sean with "they've only done it x amount of times but chris keeps doing it!" and who

yay! not. it's gonna be the same thang—an all white show with a gay twist. so progressive.

you've missed my point completely. and,you haven't answered my question. you keep going on and on about what he did as if i'm making excuses for him or denying his abuse of Rihanna etc. my point : there is a racial component involved with how the public views him vs white men who've done the same thing. if you can't

what are you on about? are you telling me that his being black has nothing to do with it? are you seriously arguing that point? as if you would know ,in the first place?

i agree with what you said about chris brown. i disagree with the rest.

I don't have a problem with lindy's article. I stated what I had a problem with. chile,please.

that is exactly my point. if my sister hadn't told me about Michael fassbender,i wouldn't have known about it.

miley's adorable as a kid!

first, this is the only chris brown article I've left a comment on.

they're alright. I like the little pumpkins on the left one.

funny how I read not a word about Michael fassbender's abuse of sunawin Andrews on an article (a month or two ago?) about him (fassbender). I wonder if that's why Nicole beharie left him? let's be clear,I think that chris brown's a self-entitled,abusive piece of shit and I have no problems with people criticizing him.

what has he done? i'm really asking a question.

last of the non-singing pop stars too?

who are you to tell someone how much anger they should feel towards someone who does something racist whether with intent or not? the people/person they offend doesn't have to think about the offending party's feelings i.e. the "magical" intent before they can express their anger. the offending party's action(s) end

is "all natural" the same as "organic"? we feed our kittehs wellness cat food. hopefully,it's better than purina,etc.

hell yeah! my thoughts exactly! *high fives*