
if the marzipan insides were made of some kind of chocolate,they'd be delicious!

yeah,I've come across that!

ooo,I've never seen a gray tortie either! you're awesome for taking care of her and her babies.

I love the funny article and video! "Every cat owner (who's being honest with him or herself) reaches a point in their cat stewardship when they lock eyes with their cat and realize that the animal's keen intelligence is actually a trick perpetrated by a pair of sharp, steady eyes that only seem engaged."

yes! —from a certified cat lover.

fatty?! how awesome!

oh my... I've never seen a black tortie. <3! you know I gotta ask the name of the bee-utiful cat.

I don't like the slang term of "hit" because it sounds nasty and abusive when used in a sexual context. "beat" is another slang word that I do not like that means to either have sex or look flawlessly made up. I consider tlc to be feminist group (I grew up on their empowering music) so I can see why they'd have a

is she in the kitchen looking for scraps? our girl cat rolls on the floor when she's hunting for food or petting;our boy cat comes up and rubs or meows at us. most importantly,what's her name? *squee*

not anymore. btw,i'm a sistah—not a bro.

I so do wish that I knew how to cook like my mom and great aunt.

snowstorm. where are the most popular black names,latina names etc?

I've never been that type of girl or woman. my genuine lack of "bitchiness" put many of girls and women,who were used to that from other girls and women, off guard. I could literally see them struggling to either trust my compliment or act antagonistically.*

I knew there was dick-sucking involved. *dry retches* why couldn't the man be the one performing oral sex on the woman? submissive bitch.

fuck that old cunt.

your anger is justified. I understand your points. i'm a black woman who's sick of ignorant white women bogart-ing women of color's discussion and articles. on the "can I touch it" article,I've argued with several such ignorant women. when will they learn to shut the fuck up and listen? there are few articles about

"You're not wrong for being disgusted by it. You're wrong for calling *me* disgusting because I do." so right. I should've said that I find kinky sex disgusting instead of the people who like kinky sex. judging people by their sexual practices makes me no different than the homophobes—just on the opposite side of the

is there any homoerotica between the "bad girl" and the "good girls"?*

great quote.

there's nothing wrong with a person being disgusted by "kinks". I have an idea of "normal sex" which is no pain,no humiliation,and no dominance. why am I wrong for not liking everything under the sun? it grosses me out that a woman would want a man to call her a "good girl" during sex. *shudders*