
you are so wrong...

hmm. sounds interesting.

lovely story! I wonder how animals who can't use their back legs go to the bathroom?

i love how realistically they're drawn.

awesome dad!

I feel special for being a virgin at 30 years old of age (most of the time). there are,according to one website, only a million plus of us that are over 25 and still virgins. what makes me feel even more special is that i'm a sororal twin whose sister is also a virgin. one night,i jokingly asked her, "what if we're

so cute!

re you the user ruthslayderginsburg using a different name?

yawn to the asshole. awmygoodness to the rabbit pic.

lol! true.

see,that's the answer that I was looking for from the op. i'm going to start using inner and outer labia because of what you said and that it makes me think of labia instead of size of the labia.—if that makes sense.

I just skimmed the article. I was wondering why you found "inner/outer labia" better than "labia minora/majora".

oh hush! you posted something that annoyed me so I posted something to annoy you. nan nan => (◡‿◡✿)

hmm? can you clarify on your point? it sounds very interesting.

I can't stand judge judy. she's such a biotch to women on the show. for instance : a young,beautiful woman wore a very short business dress—this piece of wood tried to slut-shame her and tell her that her attire wasn't appropriate business attire when the young woman bought the dress from an effin' business attire

I love that she put that prick in his place! I love how she shows him no respect like,"old dude? puhleeze." i'm sure the porn he looks at has women younger than miley cyrus. the fuckin' hypocrisy...

you'll live. it's just an image on a t-shirt.

I read a stylishly artsy halloweeny kid book featuring a story about a girl whose head falls off after she removes her scarf.

thanks for the very cool artist! the shirt's ugly though. should've got a more talented artist to do it.

I looked in the lgbt section of my "authors" book (a notebook :P) and found this book:Business, Not Politics: The Making of the Gay Market
(Between Men~Between Women: Lesbian and Gay Studies) by Katherine sender. I have not read the book and may have incorrectly assumed that it criticizes companies who appear to