
I think you mean “Bunny & Clod”

Yeah, let’s see: Tracie Egan Morrissey used to write for Jezebel, and she dropped this bit of brilliance during an interview:

I think this article is also ignoring the fact that these people weren’t made famous by YouTube, they were made famous by the millions of people (inexplicably) tuning into their awful videos and subscribing to their channels. And if their public is ok with them returning after the requisite apology and crocodile

Exactly. And it’s this kind of “hot take” that makes me go okay, yeah, fuck this whole “cancel culture” thing going on. I mean, unless I’m missing something, Geisel went through a period of overt hostility toward Japanese people after Japan’s attack on the U.S. and our subsequent entry into WWII, but he not only

I am genuinely happy for Gaetz.  That he now has a designated driver.

Just a small aside to say that video of Britney is really sad. It seems to be from the period when she was really fragile and was still being pushed out on stage like a performing bear. She actually was a talented dancer and singer (even though they forced her to sing in a baby voice her entire career), but in this

Thank you for posting about this — Dr. Davis is one of the finest thinkers in the world and a genuine revolutionary. Are Prisons Obsolete? answered so many questions I had about abolition and expanded my sense of the possible; between this and Mariame Kaba’s editorial in the Times it’s great to see some of the people

Wow. You can practically hear when you are reading it that it fucking KILLS this website to write anything positive about Swift.

I never said people couldn’t crack jokes? My message wasn’t even for people who drink. It was to show solidarity to people who don’t drink and who are inundated with images of alcohol.

His “expertise” is in stealing an election. He don’t know nothin’ about birthin’ no babies.

Shout out to my sober peeps! I’ve never seen so much blatant glamorization of alcohol abuse as I have these last few weeks.

You are a kinder soul than I. Were I working remotely, and showed up on a Zoom meeting intoxicated, I would be immediately canned. These are work hours. And I’m earning in a month that which JP earns in five minutes, I imagine. But different classes, different sets of rules. Nothing to see here, folks. 

Larry Kudlow was fired from Bear-Stearns for a cocaine addiction.  How bad must his coke habit been if an investment bank thought it was TOO MUCH?

I did not know this. It’s wild the lengths to which we’ve gone to make an already disenfranchised population feel even more left out.

Don't worry, they are just being counterproductive assholes. Just imagine the article where they'd be falling over themselves to praise Bernie if he'd done the same thing. 

So so many people to blame for the catastrophe of 2016

Do not compare likely running mates Kamala Harris, Val Demmings, Stacy Abrams, or Liz Warren with Sarah Palin. This isn’t about tokenism, and this isn’t about bringing in some cornpone cover girl because she’s pretty and sassy. This is about bringing in a serious intellectual with solid experience and national

So you have to be Mexican to write about Mexico? Do I have to have the ability to time travel if I want to write about the Middle Ages? Can I write fiction about space if I’ve never been there? I guess I can’t write male characters either since I’m a woman. And Latino writers should only ever be allowed to write about

I think part of the problem she is having right now is that she is naturally pretty deep, but at the end of the day is just kid (and honestly a kid with a kind of shitty education), so she gets put on the spot a lot and sounds stupid.

I’m pretty sure the fact that she’s a woman has everything to do with why she’s not in the lead right now. The only thing U.S. voters hate more than women is smart women.