What is wrong with both of you?! ;D
What is wrong with both of you?! ;D
Gita, I think your first post ever here caught me so off guard because it was just an all caps “Sup Bitches?!!?!” I am both saddened by your leaving and the missed opportunity to have a post saying “Bye Bitches?!!?!”
I literally did a “WOoOoooOoo!” And first pump during the first dragon dive, much to my gf at the times chagrin.
Um those AREN’T “space horses” they are a species called Orbaks native to the desert planet of Pasaana and we have no idea of their biology. Also the fleet appears to be at a low altitude jump point since they are relying on transponder towers to guide them out of the gravity wells surrounding Exogul.
The movie was...meh. The ride at Animal Kingdom (NOT the lazy river one) is fucking amazing.
You both nailed it.
Oh FUCK yes.
I'd buy THAT for a dollar!
Really appreciate the tips! I work for Hilton so I’ve got most of the lodging squared away. I was looking at about $2k anyways so nice to know I am in budget.
I have NO earthly idea what is going on in the robot club(?) but I must go there during my trip next year. Excellent shots! Looks like you did a Tokyo/Kyoto/Osaka loop? Do you mind if i ask how much you budgeted?
“if you want to ruin your day, google ‘Holodomor’”
Co-op in BF2 is my new go to. Challenging enough AI to means you actually have to work with your random team and its a great way to level up the heroes I never get to enjoy in other modes.
“I don’t like comments but want to comment on comments regarding the parent company killing off a site and disabling comments that could very well do the same on my preferred site owned by the same company!”
Part Deux is a goddamn stupid classic
I always felt this movie worked better looking at it as a weird 90s scifi than anything tangentially related to the game. Fantastic set design. Yoshi, as you mention.
Thank you for posting the Drew Magary Thursday NFL Dick Joke Jambaroo in his absence.
What a lackluster apology, completely undermining the core issue in a company’s leaders aquiescing to political standard imposed by a thin skinned autocracy and firing those who dare speak truth to it.
Deadspin Forever!
Long live Deadspin...