co hosting new top gear ( clarkson, may, hammond one)
based on Miata ?
good choice with sutil. we all know maldando would crash it
go on google the koala cousin ‘ drop bear’
or the fact that they have
The manual transmission. The clutch and shifter combo
a RX-3 and iDx pair would be amazing
we get a nissan compact FRD and the rotary comes back
Im hoping for this
use this wrecked car for spares for the other one
so rotary ?
Starts designing the “ Jalopnik “
ever meet an emu ?
my mate and i have a standing bet. After a night of heavy drinking we played Daytona and the loser payed for winners game and a kebab.
i had such a good win % too then the kebab shop got sega rally
Webber would have made that pass at Eau Rouge stick