
I guess being a professional graphic designer for 5 years pays off ;)

It wasn’t until I looked at your post that I finally figured it out (I stared for a solid 3 or 4 minutes). There’s a slight gap between her first armpit and her second shoulder. I did a quick PS:

I think it was a lot to do with trying out a new funding metric (does that make sense? As in, rather than running to a publisher for funding, going to the audience and seeing what interest they had).

Me too, I liked the concept and they make fun games. But they are holding onto the IP and maybe doing something else with it someday.

Ohhhhhh.... sorry man. Game was cancelled after only 2 weeks on Kickstarter, with next to nothing raised. Super disappointing, but them’s the breaks.

Yes you’re right, the subject matter between these games couldn’t be further apart. I mean, they are both about giant monsters fighting giant robots, but otherwise, they are completely different. Breach involves them break dance battling, while Human Resources has them ball-room dance battling. Duh.

I mean fuck, they

Now playing

Obligatory comparison (in my head anyway):

why doesnt this have more stars....

What? I’m guessing you don’t understand my point.

I mean seriously, whats the point of having power if you don’t regularly abuse it?

Oh what an age we live in!

I had no idea it was still around, I know what I’ll be doing tonight/this weekend.

Now playing

OMG it’s like that scene from Ratatouille... I played this game for hours and hours and hours. I don’t know if I ever actually beat it though... think I always got too distracted building new vehicles.

Must have been an absolute nightmare, but god I loved that stupid game. Still do. I wonder if its on GoG yet...

I’m wondering if you ever played Ground Control...

I still have my Warzone 2100 box at home! The first full 3d RTS with customizable units! Sadly it was quickly overshadowed by Earth 2150, another stellar RTS but just didn’t have the same fun as Warzone.

Ew no. Ground Control and its expansion were the gold, the sequel completely ignored the original game mechanics and lost the plot.