
THANK YOU. If this story had been about, well anything to do with a women being horribly horribly mutilated, there would probably be a few more similar comments. But the majority of comments seem to be questioning the thought process or simply making fun of him.

Empathy mother fucker, do you have it?!

performance art you say?!

So I was absolutely right in my initial point, they are clearly morons.

And I am surrounded by men who deem this to be some sort of great priority. My most recent/favorite was a coworker who repeatedly used the phrase "your small" as some sort of way to belittle me. I just laughed at him, which just frustrated him

I really just didn't think someone could be stupid enough to think this would work, by any stretch of the imagination.

I'd like to point out that a) I've never catcalled (except for close male friends (yeah I'm a dude)), and honestly believed this to be some weird urban myth until it happened directly in front of me to a female coworker, and b) every one of these guys is clearly a moron. It's painfully, painfully clear they have the

Thanks, this was actually my first thought. If he really had been guilty/convicted, would he have ever received ANY sort of treatment for what is clearly a mental disorder? Would anyone have advocated for this?

Clinton added that she hopes people will someday use social media for "real conversation" and "reconciliation," and not just for arguing and bickering over differences.

Did someone mention Val Kilmer?!

Did someone mention Val Kilmer?!

I came here to state that my boss's mother dated Adam West for years, and my boss didn't understand why that was such a HUGE THING to me... THE Adam West. Sadly, I've yet to finagle a meet and greet out of this situation.

I came here to state that my boss's mother dated Adam West for years, and my boss didn't understand why that was

The shop where I work plays "Fennis." Someone farts (opening volley), within 10 minutes someone has to return. You'd be surprised at how long a match can go for with 10+ guys.

So women have been using fake penises for centuries (yeah, look it up), but men using fake vaginas is somehow sad and gross...

Great, now I gotta go home and watch Blade Runner. Thanks.

I would really like to enjoy this show, but frankly they don't treat this show with any sort of "real world physics". They re-use a LOT of the same animation footage. And for the love of fuck, can we PLEASE have an anime series that doesn't focus on 13yo who are constantly trying to show animated breasts?! It

I agree. The giant robots punching giant monsters just didn't have the gravitas I was expecting.

And that Bill Gates guy too!

Yeah, just like that lame ass Daniel Day Lewis, spending all his time pretending to be someone he isn't! STOP MILKIN IT BRAH.

I'm really glad we hold our celebrities to a higher standard than our ELECTED OFFICIALS.

It's actually a sickburn....

From all of America: thank you for continuing to post the Univision videos. It's all we want to hear, so much enthusiasm.