They're the same movie? (don't you go trying to use logic with those films)
They're the same movie? (don't you go trying to use logic with those films)
Wait, so you're saying a North Korean C-130 couldn't have free reign over DC for a few minutes straight? LIES! White House Down was based on FACT!
Where the darn heck is Pacific Rim!
Oh... yeah there was this accident once. Former owner tried drinking shotgun shells and shooting gasoline. Wasn't pretty.
Can you just start officially plugging everytime these come up? I've got both Dungeon Keepers and most of the RollerCoaster Tycoon games because of GOG.
I'll refrain from making any copyright/cease and desist orders...
Yeah, my wife works in a spider, snake, alligator, and toxic waste handling plant. I keep telling her they should probably drop the spiders. No one likes spiders.
This is one of the reasons I LOVED WWZ. It had an excellent depiction of current military tactics being completely useless, and then showed the re-tooling and shift in tactics.
Ha, jokes on you! I work in a chainsaw and shotgun factory. Be prepared to say hello to my BOOMSTICK!
the totally necessary and not at all gratuitous momentary hold on her panty clad region has absolutely NOTHING to do with it...
NO! You can only like and report on the things WE (the internet) like!
my puppy has white eye lashes... i abso-fucking-lutely LOVE her eye lashes.
HAHA, no no, absolutely no butt hurt here, and no reason to apologize. I was merely making a joke and you sort of just trashed my points :P. I was rather young when the show aired, and didn't watch much television growing up. Hell, I barely remember Beast Wars, and I'm pretty sure I watched that entire series more…
troll level: super fan.
welp, thanks for attempting to ruin the joke? I vividly remember the show, they never hit anything, ever.
well that depends... if everyone that plays is incapable of hitting the broad side of a barn, you've pretty much nailed down that part?
Question: does that include books?
Gundam Wing intro voiced by Optimus Prime?! God that's hot!
maybe after the third date...
I've been feinding for some new DK forever. I bought both DK and DK2 from GOG, and have been actively following War for the Overworld. However, I have been looking and looking for something similar for my tablet, so when this came out I was rather excited.