So this either the horse assault part of the story was mistaken for when it happened on Saturday, or those main line Villanova kids love assaulting horses so much that they did it on Saturday and Monday.
Looks like this is over already. Got in just before they ended it at least. Needed a few new polos for work, thanks for the link.
Looks like this is over already. Got in just before they ended it at least. Needed a few new polos for work, thanks…
I’ve put those type of hours into guitar hero and rock band and I play an actual guitar and drums... So I guess I lm aloud to play these games? These games play nothing like a real guitar, it's just a fun way to spend a spare hour.
I’ve put those type of hours into guitar hero and rock band and I play an actual guitar and drums... So I guess I lm…
I’ve seen that sweater, I want it,, but don’t want to pay $60 for it. Damn money ruining things.
I’ve seen that sweater, I want it,, but don’t want to pay $60 for it. Damn money ruining things.
I had open heart surgery in June. And one of the first thoughts I had was don’t kill me before I see the new movies please.
Don’t have the game yet, but I think I would have to go a little mellow after a long day of espionage action. I’m sure Snake “Cant wait to get off work” - Tom Waits
Yeah really, someone have never been to Philly. There is a large amount of Black people in Philly but everyone is segregated into there own neighborhoods that we might as well live in the south. Nothing gets a Northeast Philly block freaking out than a black family moving into the neighborhood.
Don't worry, I won't say your an idiot like everyone else. Yes its not the point of the story, but that was close to the one question on my mind reading it as well. The 13 year old and 11 year old I have no problem with them being up, but I do question why the 2 year old was awake and why at least one of the parents…
Just to add another one, Sunset Overdrive is $30 at the xbox store just for today.
Just to add another one, Sunset Overdrive is $30 at the xbox store just for today.
New to the Rakuten site. So if your like me and had one, even though I didn't realize I had one, you would have to create a new account with them.
I only planned on playing this for one or two games yesterday and it turned into 3-4 hours during my "work from home" day. I really had no opinion of the game beforehand but its pretty damn fun. Hopefully they get it fixed soon for you PS4 guys, its a good way to waste a few hours.
Same here, couldn't get the extra $5 to show up either.
100% it is. Which isn't a bad thing.
I haven't made it there either, about the same amount of hours as you but this stuff comes later in the game once you unlock a the ability to do it.
Completely agree. If this is how the game is I wont be buying it. I don't want to have to take notes and have a laptop next to me at all times just to beat a game.
I've been loving it. The speed of the game is what keeps me coming back, everything else just seems so slow. There's also just so many insane moments that you just can't do in any other shooter that makes them seem boring now. I know its not for everyone but it is for me. The only thing that's been annoying for me…