I hope the local pressure continues and doesn’t fizzle out. I feel that’s what the Rs are waiting for.
I hope the local pressure continues and doesn’t fizzle out. I feel that’s what the Rs are waiting for.
I hope you keep your healthcare! I honestly think they’re going to keep it, change a few words here and there but it’ll essentially be the same thing, then trot it around as their great plan and proof of how Trump is doing an excellent job.
It’ll matter in three years, when TrumpCare is a popular selling point among supporters for his reelection.
I agree! And when you obstruct it, generate hatred towards it, and run a campaign around repealing it because it’s so terrible, you forfeit any claim to it. No takesies-backsies.
Dems already won the battle on healthcare. It’s not going away, and Republicans won’t be able to come up with anything “better”. My worry is they’ll make a few minor changes and then call it their own.
It IS the new s’mores cookie! It tastes like happiness. And regret.
I mean yes but I definitely thought about not eating it.
I literally stopped eating a girl scout cookie halfway through and put away the box.
Right? That’s the bar now for the highest office in our country - coherent thoughts and complete sentences!
Oh God that’s what my partner and I watch. We are literally working through Midsomer Murders on Netflix and I’m an old.
Honestly I’m not sure what else the 78-112 demographic watches.
I don’t know who’s checking her cuticles in the second picture but she’s cracking me up. Salty af.
You know it was a nephew of PWC partner who got to hand the envelopes to the presenters. He’s graduating with a BFA in acting in May and was busy taking lots of selfies to post on Instagram.
I approve of The Weeknd/Drake and will be eagerly awaiting their collaborative album.
I’ve been writing a game and haven’t worked on it for like a month. Time to get motivated again and finish it!
The cat saying “Hey Teens” to a bunch of teens is me.
I had that on VHS as a kid! Also, ruined.
The cases are real. The people are real. The rules are final. This is... SHADE COURT.
That’s a weird way of saying Linda’s dialogue and impromptu singing are hilarious and her endless optimism is a perfect foil for Bob’s straight man.
Yeah, if you recognize Korn and Jimmy Eat World and Fatboy Slim, that also means you’re old.