And what is pro abortion? Punishing the baby for trying to live? Fuck off your a horrible human being.
And what is pro abortion? Punishing the baby for trying to live? Fuck off your a horrible human being.
Blame God, not men. We can’t help it we can’t produce babies. Sigh. Next your gonna complain cause you have PMS and we don’t.
It’s called parenting, do your fucking job as a parent.
You fucking libtards held both the house and senate for how long? It’s how they rammed that awesome piece of legislation called the unaffordable act.
Cept for the 30 percent latinos that voted for trump... but yea, all minorities hate trump.
Not sure if stupid or....
You didn’t realize this site is a shitbag for Whiny Liberals? This is a great site to visit to bathe in their tears.
Your confusing him with Hillary.... Difference being, Trump hasnt held public office, yet.
Dont be a whore, dont need an abortion.
How bout using contraception then? Dipshits. You people make it seem like its fucking hard or something...
Yeah cause who the fuck cares about the unborn baby, am I right? Asshole.
Your either blissfully ignorant or just really stupid.
Trump said some mean things. So while your snowflake feelings we’ll just ignore the evil woman that is Hillary, who enables a sexual predator, defends child rapists, exploits the poor and needy, and commits crimes others have gone to jail for.
Oh look the racist card, color me shocked..... sheep
Nope, we beat Hillary.
Wanna vote? Don’t be a criminal. Oh right, racism....... yawn
Doesn’t work. The recent contractor that got sent to jail for mishandling confidential material used the Hitlery defense. Didnt work.
Dude lay off Obama....