
Well first off, your link says that basically no, Brett Kavinaugh did not commit perjury. Maybe next time dig down in the Google search before posting something. Here’s another defense:

As I understand it, Kavanaugh’s testimony to the committee is taken under oath. If he’s lying about Ford, he’s at risk of perjuring himself. It’s why Ford herself has been trying to avoid actually having to testify.

At this point, however, we have no reason to believe the accusations against Kavanaugh are unfounded

Thursday is going to be fun!

Why not just pay the workers more?  If you’re just looking for extra cash to throw at them, why tie up 10% of equity?  This whole idea just feels sloppy.

Yeah, but without dividends or the ability to sell, there’s no point to this plan besides giving workers voting power at the cost of 10% of the equity of a company.

250 employees is too low, especially if you’re growing. I can see it sorta working if you’re huge and have 10s of thousands of workers, but why not just incentivize equity sharing programs with employees instead of forcing this arbitrary distribution? Especially if the employees can’t sell it, what is the point?

So...10% of a company’s equity is just locked away?  I mean, not all companies pay dividends, especially smaller ones that are just looking to grow and raise money via selling stock.  I don’t really see how this benefits anyone in a situation where dividends aren’t paid out.

When and where, who was present, how she got home, etc. Things that can actually be corroborated.

She actually doesn’t remember enough of the important details, and there’s actual evidence that her memory has since changed since she first described the encounter.

Because she thought she could get away with this while staying anonymous, as her early actions indicate.

Is there a Kavanaugh video?

FBI already said that they wouldn’t investigate this when they first got notice from Feinstein.

Thats being generous. Shes going to have a tough time proving that they ever interacted at all.

And what did the FBI say when they got the letter?

“arbitrary parameters”

And the FBI has declined to investigate.

I can conflate them when the guilt of the individual is decided in the court of public opinion, as is the case here.

And yet the letter had been in Sen. Feinstein’s possession for several months. If you think it’s worth investigating, and it is, sitting on it until the time is politically right is not in the interest of justice.

Except this letter had been in Sen. Feinstein’s possession for several months. This all could have been addressed much earlier in the process.