
People who take half a mile to make a right turn. Turn on the blinkers, and then slow down to half the speed limit just to get mentally prepared for their maneuver.


Protip: If you start feeling guilty about using children to collect steel scrap in the frozen wastes, try to imagine them not as innocent youths, but as rungs on the ladder of your success!

Yeah, I like the idea of swarms of ravenous zombies/infected, but the demo they showed was bland. Maybe things have improved since then, though?

I’m just a little leery about games that are announced with snazzy CGI trailers with little to no gameplay to show afterwards.

Wow, didn’t know that came out!

Unfortunately, it seems like BGE2 was just a CGI movie, and Days Gone was a shrug-inducing Last of Us rip off.

Mine does, but only when my wife is driving.

Ahh, the hype warms me. The only perfect game is the one that hasn’t released yet.

I just use polls that confirm my world view. Saves me a TON of time!