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Not the best.. far from it, it reaaaally suck in fact

For me the core definition of a geek if one must be...

and I thought i was seeing Philip J.Fry

i'm not a comic-book hero fan but i could have been one...

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Who has two thumbs and betrayed his best friend?

I know i should be sarcastic...

well.. at least we can agree on which one was the worst


a long time ago... long before the dawn of internet i was a 13 or 14 year old boy and i reeeeally liked that movie... because bo... science fiction !

why ?

probably a tie between Lego and a rubber duck

best job ever

Thousand years later and thousand light years away, the Ruler of Omicron persei 8 and his wife will go all "aww" on that new

Don't you dare forget the Christopher Lee !

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In France for my generation, Harlock ("Albator" for us) is a big deal
