the other, other kind of sexy
the other, other kind of sexy
i'm sure futurama will rise from the dead again.
Class :
Идите, Хот-дог, идите !!!
silly girls...
meanwhile, people who write a lot of comment on website tend to be more clever and exhibit high attractiveness.
"You've got metal fever, boy. Metal fever!"
The force. What else... ?
there is also a lack of female rapist and female murderer
let's wash that bad taste in the mouth
well... I am sure it's not physiologically possible anyway
"swearing in French from France is considered a parody move. It sounds so gay when we swear in their accent that it provides no sense of relief whatsoever."
Pute for hooker, Putain for harlot, let's be precise here
but it had the same usage then "fuck!" or "crap!" so he use it right
Let's just hope she raise him right, not like that slutty Mrs Sun,
zero one! zero one!
side arm you said ?
what i want is a live action tv show