
"Women writing about testicles..."

don't worry, if it's a legitimate planet the astronaut body have way to shut down the heat

there is a difference, the alteration done here is to acommodate the corn for insecticide

"DEBUNKERY" really ? kind of weird to insinuate the study have the same lvl of credibility than conspiracy myth a la "philadelipha experiment" just below

anyway it's time to reboot that franchise with a womenazing jesus and more cg effect

so... in that analogy spermatozoid are tiny Jedi or x-wing ?

the Eiffel Tower is the Kenny Mc Cormick for disaster movie

don't overreact

yes but unlike the producer of that heresy i have an excuse,

hooooooo my god... it suck.. it purely suck...

awesomeness, piece by piece

that work if you limit theist/atheist/agnostic

nope they are not the 2 sides of the same coin

the god hypothesis is the claim, no god is the null value

Agnostic, atheist... it's never a complete answer anyway.

"i want to go to there"

also when you are hungry food look more tasty

i did "almost" that

how we learned "TheEndsOfIenvention" is a man and don't have any sister ;)

The romans were right all along, praise Jupiter! He shielded us all!