
The details of the first arrest where they declined to prosecute are so infuriating. From the linked story:

Fuck Judge Gary Gilman. This woman’s death is on your hands asshole. And as usual incompetent men won’t suffer consequences while this woman is now dead.

This is why I know most of the words to LFOs Summer Girls and Crazy Town's Butterfly despite hating everything about those songs with a passion. Also why I will suddenly wake up with a song stuck in my head and have no idea where I heard it or why it's in there.

I hope this has been mentioned around here before, and I don’t expect anyone cares, but historically “man” was a gender-neutral term (back in the middle ages the prefixes wer- and wif- specified “male man” or “female man”). This has a legacy in our modern language in the same sort of way that words that came to us

Because it plays on a colloquialism?

Cerave Hydrating Cleanser

Cerave Hydrating Cleanser

Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser for face & body, it doesn’t lather at all, but it doesn’t leave my face ultra dry either. My skin is pretty sensitive and this is the only thing I have found that doesn’t upset it.

Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser for face & body, it doesn’t lather at all, but it doesn’t leave my face ultra dry

I’d rather see a woman nursing (including possible seeing OMGSH! her nipple!) than hear a crying baby. Why is this STILL going on?

It drives me up the wall. I had things like reduced lunch as a kid, and now, guess what? I am a college-educated citizen with a job, who pays taxes, contributes to society, and serves in the military. You know what would have made all that impossible? Not being able to think in school because I was so hungry. So for

That’s the logical conclusion yes. But to think like a Trump supporter you need to add some bigotry, fear mongering and entitlement and then you’ll realize that affirmative action is just taking things from hard working white people and giving it to black people who don’t deserve it because black people get to have

Look at the stars. See how they shine for you.

Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.

It looks like dogshit, and would probably be better if they’d just written Joker/Leto out and paired Harley with Ivy.

So some people went to the a movie featuring some of the most violent, sadistic characters in the DC universe and expected something else other than violence, sexism, over-the-top action, and machismo? Sometimes I wonder what are the qualifications to be a film critic. I guess the ability to breath is one of them.

You don’t get to use the phrase “forced himself upon” and describe extortion, and then say “he had sex with her.” He extorted and raped an arguably prostituted girl.

Really fucking sick of Jezebel, of all places, calling this bullshit “sex.”

Some Indians find the term Indian offensive and prefer Native American, or First Nations, or something else. Some Native Americans do not find the term Indian offensive and, I believe, prefer it. I make no claim to knowing what the more common attitude is right now among a geographically far-flung culturally diverse

Hillary, the welfare gutting superpredator, who knows and loves all the minorities in Chappaqua has many, many pros.

Oh for chrissakes.