
I mean, the prestige, the power, the glamour... doing lines of coke with Ruth Bader Ginsburg and leaving bags of flaming dog shit on Scalia's front porch... That's the ticket.

This is my favorite horrifying factoid about the Huckabee family. Yeah, your daughters listening to Beyonce is totally worse than your son killing a god damned dog.

“How to trick women into thinking you don’t hate them and they shouldn’t hate you just long enough to get your dick in one so you can tell your friends.”

Right? Why would you want to be a douche bag? Isn’t that a bad thing? Or did I miss something and the meaning changed?

“And then the kit sat untouched in evidence along with 17,000 other rape kits until 2000”

I heard about Carly this morning and that in her announcement she said she knows how to fix the economy.

I too just announced my plan to run for President on Twitter. My platform is subsidizing tampons, ensuring everyone gets a bagel for breakfast, and pushing for mandatory Monday naptime.

Accidental racism is the most frustrating thing about Whiteness to me. I feel like White people are so much more concerned with appearing (to themselves as much as to the world) not to be racist than with actually not BEING racist that it’s impossible for them to cop to it when it happens on accident. Like, how bad

Raise your hand if your middle name is Marie. *raises hand*

You missed the part about how Dick Cheney used Miller’s article to say, “it isn’t just us that think there are WMDs, even the liberal New York Times thinks so.” Of course he left out that he and his minions essentially wrote Miller’s piece for her. We only found that out years later.

Or you could use that money to, I dunno, educate and help lift people out of poverty so they’d be less likely to have unplanned, unsustainable pregnancies in the first place!?!?!

Kansas is my home state and I love it so very very much... but Brownback makes it awful hard to want to move back. Breaks my heart :(

Kansas is what happens when Tea Party ideology runs an entire state - huge deficits, cuts to aid programs, anti-choice laws and millions wasted defending stupid laws that are only passed to satisfy the far right extremist Christian base that wants their 2000 year old book of myths and fairy tales as public law.

I wish a house would fall on him.