
Oh my god.

Ugh, I hate the people who are just impossible to explain anything to. I had a conversation about pesto this week that went like this:

*sips skinny whole-milk nonalcoholic Irish macchiato* from their monogrammed thermos

Rudy Giuliani - Terrorism Expert:


I just thought I would take this moment to share my best Supreme Court justice story.

But is skim really milk? #teamwholemilk

And several species of animals can't digest chocolate, so that means humans shouldn't eat chocolate either, right?

I wish there was a way that I could prominently display this GIF every time my step-mother-in-law tells me how gluten and caffeine are bad and eastern medicine is good.

I love milk. I've never had cramps, bloating or the shits from it. Have drunk skim or one percent from childhood. And I don't drink coffee, tea or alcohol so FUCK THE HATERS.


right?? If I gave up milk WHAT WOULD I DRINK WITH MY COOKIES

Counterpoint: Milk is delicious.

The 8 red velvet Oreos I just ate would like to VEHEMENTLY disagree with your analysis.

Goddammit, how do these people sleep at night? Or does their hatred fuel the fire so they just don't have to?

"Why do we need black history month?"