
How do they think that not issuing identity cards is going to help solve the problem? Yes, technically the parents have broken the law, but these children are here now. They exist. Not acknowledging them is not going to make them disappear.

Extra fun fact. Not only does the employee health plan not include contraception, ND won't allow the use of medical expense Flexible Spending Account monies (an IRS supported tax free account for qualified expenses) to pay for them. So not only do we get to pay full price, we can't even do so with the benefit of our

As a Notre Dame alum, I can speak to this first hand. It's not only a battle over insurance coverage, but the care given on campus. I have a history of terrible cycles and had been on birth control to regulate it since I was 14. While attending college, I had issues with my birth control and needed to change to

When we were searching for a venue, we only bothered to visit ones that had really transparent pricing schedules readily available on their website (meaning no way was I going to bother to call to find out how much a 6 hour wedding rental would cost — get your shit together). I think that actually helped us keep it

Fucker had like, 30 goddamn dicks.

My theory is death by snu-snu.

omg, thank you. Does no one else see this????

a&e: "just say some provocative shit"
Phil Duckberts: "anuses are gross!"
a&e: "you're fired!"
ignorant assholes: "FREE SPEECH! CHIKIN!"
a&e: "our ratings are through the roof!"
Phil Duckhole: "sweet!"

heart_of_copper: "I'm drunk!"

If nothing else, this whole Duck Dynasty thing has been a very....illuminating experience. You know how during presidential elections, you are constantly being surprised (and not so surprised) by which of your FB friends "like[d]" Mitt Romney? The people that you don't know that well, but that live on your block and


Her name makes her sound like a Harry Potter character.

I don't think that the people who oppose gay marriage know who Sisyphus is.

It amazes me how republicans are still trying to squeeze the toothpaste back into the tube on gay marriage. Now the U.S. has a situation where state laws contradict federal rights and some gay people are legally married while others cannot marry because they`re gay. It is an unsustainable mess that is has only one