
1) Hi Copyranter, glad to see you here!
2) I have officially reached my limit of brosy-wosey campaigns celebrating manliness. GRR BE MAN NOT LADY. LADY STUPID. DO STUPID LADY THINGS. MAN HAVE BEARD. EAT BURGER FROM MOUTH OF SHARK. I'm about to graduate from ad school, and I see this kind of thing from the boys in my

I came here to say just this! I'm about to graduate from grad school and I'm starting the interview process, and Asos has such a great selection of cool, fashion-forward options that don't feel too buttoned-up (I'm in a creative field.) I just ordered a bunch of stuff from there and ordered more as soon as I saw the

I read this and thought, "Oh, she has to be from South Carolina," and then I found it confirmed in the comments. My mom makes this as well, though minus the cheese. Honestly, it's pretty delicious. She makes one with strawberries, too. There is also a pineapple salad that is just a couple of pineapple rings topped

If you like mysteries, I love the Maisie Dobbs series. Woman private investigator in London between WWI and WWII solving interesting mysteries. She's a very well-rounded character: worked her way up, educated, nurse in WWI, independent, ridiculously smart. The books are an easy read. I blow through them like candy. I

I came here to say precisely this, and I commend you on your fine taste. She is delightful in everything.

I don't think that's bad. You gave her an explanation she can understand. The important thing is that you answered her question honestly, rather than just making up some stork bullshit. Think of it as laying a foundation for more complete answers later. You're so right, though. Sex ed does begin at home!

I am so glad I am getting confirmation it exists in this reality. I sometimes wondered if I made it up, because it is just so very insane.

The only thing I remember about sex ed from school was that the person teaching it told us that if you have anal sex, you will break your butthole and lose control of your bowels forever. Put me right off of butt stuff forever, even though I know it isn't true.

You're telling me Tom Hiddleston made a "that's what she said" joke? Truly, he is my soulmate.

I used to have this boyfriend who would work himself into a teary frenzy if I even mentioned I was going to the stylist for a trim. A TRIM. We once got into a fight during what was supposed to be a nice dinner because he told me if I cut my hair he'd break up with me. I'm not talking a pixie, either, just something a

My extremely coherent thoughts on this here post:

What a coincidence. Tom Hiddleston makes me gush all the time. IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN AND I THINK YOU DO.

Oh yes. I went there as well. And I have cookies baking in the oven, so this really hits home.

As a writer, I resisted at first. And then I started using them more, and I realized that they're present an interesting creative challenge of their own. They work as an addition to written language, but also as a secondary language. If that were my jam, I'd study the texts of teen girls/young women to see how they're

Is trolling dating sites, like, a thing? I quit because all I got were mean messages that told me I was way too fat and obnoxious to be dating.

It's definitely not a "southern tradition." I grew up in South Carolina and graduated from Clemson, and I'd actually say that we're more careful about wildlife than most simply because we tend to enjoy the outdoors and are passionate about preserve animals and conserving their natural habitats for that reason. There's

Nope, Mac girl ;) But I'm in advertising school, so this is endlessly fascinating to me.

Crap, this comment was supposed to go somewhere else. Damn Muggle technology.

I agree, I love their work, too! This is an ad for the Google tablet, and they do a lot of spots for it because they're actually a challenger brand in that category, going up against iPad and Kindle Fire. Kind of blew my mind when I realized that.

I agree, I love their work, too! This is an ad for the Google tablet, and they do a lot of spots for it because they're actually a challenger brand in that category, going up against iPad and Kindle Fire. Kind of blew my mind when I realized that.