
Amen! Let’s not overlook the fact that actually taking these vehicles off road involves a pretty high risk of scratches, dents and overall breakage of trim parts. I would definitely prefer the cost of Jeep parts over the same type of items from Toyota.

Canaries just starting slow...Norwich City definitely going straight from promotion to league champions.

Amen, brother. I get that I'm probably in the minority, but I kinda wish NASCAR was like Aussie V8 Supercars

A Video Reminder That *A Very Select Few* NASCAR Drivers Are Good As Hell.

Fellow Canary here...if a team packed with ze Chermans doesn’t win at least 5 games in the first two months, I see a very quick end to #Farkelife.

Have you flossed between your braces today, junior?

This dealership is near me, and I see it on my daily commute. This is an extremely unsurprising turn of events.

Kinda the opposite situation from Whyte v. Broke Energy; Ford is the big-name brand and FUCT is the little guy. Obviously the disparity is mucch more clear in Ford vs. FUCT. Even if the logos are an infringement, Ford can make a rational, reasoned decision as to whether the time, expense, and PR damage are worth it.

I you were making Cabrera money and your job was guaranteed for anothe four years, would you give a shit what other workers in your industry were doing? I think not.

“With great power comes great merchandising opportunity.”

As a Brit who is now a ‘Murican citizen...when in Rome, do as the Romans do. AP, MLA and Chicago all agree, punctuation always inside the closing quotation mark.


And also less prone to chewing through front tires

This! So much this. Seems to me a good 15-20% of drivers are just looking for a speeding enabler who they hope will get nabbed if there’s a cop ahead.

First world problems, amirite? Ok, with the official entitlement disclaimer out of the way...


>Yeah, I'm apparently a huge Beatles freak because I knew every song from that Billboard list.
