Why does ARod have a rental car and why is he parking two blocks from the stadium? Isn’t part of being rich that you don’t have to jack around with Avis and parking lots?
I wonder how much they paid him to do it
The lesson here is clear:
Health inspectors don’t look that hard in grocery stores. They mostly look at the food prep areas and perishable departments. If the coolers were keeping temp and didn’t appear dirty they would have no reason to look. The smell though...the fact that everyone ignored the smell is kind of scary. I went into a store…
How were people not alerted by the smell of the decomposition?
1060? Joke.
1060? Joke.
Consider me skeptical that the GPS version will work that well. Firstly, typical commercial GPS is accurate to what, a few meters? I know military GPS is more like a few inches, but not your average run of the mill unit you can buy at a store. Secondly, if it takes 2.8 seconds to lift, at 24 mph that’s 98 feet. That’s…
If we all storm it together there’s no way they can stop all of us
License plates are always shared with the general public.
This is a good take
I would watch the shit out of a race series that had a single cylinder engine requirement, today. How much horsepower can you get out of a single 120mm piston? Unlimited stroke? Sure. Forced induction? Of course. 2-stroke? Why not.
Both of these takes are wrong because both of these Porsches have driven under their own power.
Actually the arbiters of the Unwritten Rules look down fondly at being mad about hitting a home run. After all, you should be disgusted for bringing too much attention upon yourself and “killing the rally” with a grandiose dong.
God damn respect to whoever figured out they could take something that wouldn’t sell for $19.95 at Spencer’s gift and rebrand it at three quarters of one million US dollars and sell 30 of them.
I see now it's women's fault he's an asshole