Large Wooden Badger

Saw this when I was getting a coffee this morning and was like, “Okay, Chip’s dead.”

Now playing

Dusty and the PSB, it’s a strange collaboration but it works brilliantly

Try to read that without compulsively stroking your chin in a display of deep contemplation. You can’t!

Ditto. Only “Yeti” I know of is my cooler that keeps my beer and stuff pretty cold for a long time.

For me, it’s an overpriced line of coolers that I inexplicably cannot live without. I crave those babies like a junkie. So yes, this is what being an uncool dad feels like.

Dude I’m 24 and I have no fucking idea lol...

what is “Yeti”

Rule #1 of the NFL: Everyone’s hurt and nobody cares.

As a Packers fan,

Congrats on winning Bro-Dungeons-and-Dragons!

Dunno. I voted for Obama and sometimes I wonder wtf he's doing so many snl tv show type of appearances.

Oh, I do. And I remind my mom’s side of the family about this fact every time GB/Chi duke it out.

The NFL didn’t like seeing the empty seats on TV.


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Song that I grew up with that was one of my first memories of the holidays. Be good and care for those around you.

Bud Abbott: What’s CC drinking?

I didn’t l ike the Hamels move because I thought this season was a bust and they should opt to go younger for the future. Obviously I’m an idiot.

My girlfriend is from Texas and is a ridiculous die hard Rangers fan. I watched probably 60 Rangers games this year start to finish. Fun team with a cool park. Hope they make a little noise in the AL.

I understand that it’s tough to have an opinion of your own when Deadspin writers have much better takes for you to parrot, but Simmons and his mini empire were by far the least insufferable aspect of the Worldwide Leader. One episode of First Take has more questionable content than the entire run of Grantland