Large Wooden Badger

“The Progressive Liberal is a solid character. He strikes the right level of condescension and punchable smugness. His line delivery’s a little suspect and his actual wrestling leaves something to be desired, but those can be remedied. At its root, this is a good gimmick.”

I would actually pay to watch this.

In 40+ years of going to baseball games, I have been close to foul balls only four times, and two of them were in the same game last year.

I’m not surprised about the e-mails. The Bucks have been kind of desperate in the past; that’s probably why you got them.

Dear Deadspin,

Yes. And they look to be quite successful in the near future too. Fun team to get behind.


I went to Sling and didn’t keep ESPN when my cable rates doubled in price. Now, I have the Fox Sports channels (including my local one) and NBCSN.

Yeah, I’ve been to Cleveland. I’ve been to a couple of Browns games.

I can lump Rangers fans into that as well. They are still yelling “Potvin sucks!” and it’s been almost 40 years. Potvin himself swears he heard the chant while watching a Knicks game on TV.

I’ve told friends this: the move is for tax reasons, plus the sweet-ass looking new stadium. They’ll have a Super Bowl there in the next ten years.

I never forgave them for leaving Milwaukee.

Nope. The Browns are picking Garrett, and the whole world knows it. It’s simply a smokescreen.

Let’s sure-fire Hall of Famer (Thomas), two multiple time All-Pros (Haden and Mack)...and that’s it. Yikes.

Phil lives in California, America’s highest taxed state. Yeah, I’d be bitching too if I had his bankroll. Wasn’t he trying to buy the San Diego Padres with a group he had put together?

For my buddies and I, it’s Miller Lites and bratwursts down at the local muni course. If we could play Erin Hills, we’d be betting larger amounts.

Damn, I’m two months shy. LOL


Grossi certainly doesn’t. My cousin in Cleveland says that Tony Grossi has had a huge grudge against the Browns for years, for some reason. Didn’t he and a few others successfully run Bill Belichick out of Cleveland?

In other words, any random Thursday night at Subprime Reverse Mortgage Field or whatever they call Opened One Year Before Camden Yards these days.