
As a counterpoint, I transcribe probably 3 hours of video interviews a week (as a video editor, they’re essential, since I don’t have to scrub through hours of interview to find the byte I’m looking for). To do verbatim transcription, it usually takes me about 4 hours for a 1 hour interview (so like 12 hours a week if

I’d argue that the kickstarter is more for eyeballs than money. I subscribe to his (generally hilarious) channel, and headlines like this one are getting way more attention than any of his videos.

but guys! for only $300 more than this laptop, you could have a 2.3ghz dual core processor and integrated graphics!

but guys! for only $300 more than this laptop, you could have a 2.3ghz dual core processor and integrated graphics!

Even with light video editing, those 8GB of ram are going to drive you insane...

Even with light video editing, those 8GB of ram are going to drive you insane...

I’ve literally never seen an unopened Velveeta package refrigerated...

will you marry me?



“what do you mean, saute garlic and onions? they’re naturally delicious!?!??!?”

Or really save money and just pound straight Arby's and Horsey Sauces. Everything else is just a vehicle for condiments 

I mean, I’d rather park next to this bro-ride than a Raptor carrying the same supplies but filling 3 parking spots...

Doesn’t the shirt say “Grab Yours Here”? At worst, it’s sort of encouraging customers to grab their own genitals ... 

But there’s what, a dollar worth of ingredients in a pizza. Even your bulk price (despite being in retail packaging) would still destroy your margin

I love this story. A frozen Digorno pizza costs $5, so what business would ever buy a pizza for $5, spend labor and time cooking it, and then sell it for a loss?
Not to mention that your cook time is going to be waaaay longer from frozen than fresh.

The only world where this is plausible is if the restaurant ran out of

“what a perfect, quiet little angel!”

eventually someone is going to wonder where your damn kid is...

Exactly. As a (relatively) new parent, the one thing I’ve learned is that nobody will ever give a second glance at your diaper bag. Lady could roll in with a 375ml of vodka and not raise an eyebrow, without filling her kid’s sippy cup with booze and drugs.

Those 3M pads are handy when you don’t want to leave holes in your desk or it’s made of metal.

That said, I picked up a generic version of this thing for 6 bucks and it holds like a champ.

Those 3M pads are handy when you don’t want to leave holes in your desk or it’s made of metal.

That said, I picked up

Did anybody else see that picture and think someone modified a full-sized 4-wheeler to run remotely?

Did anybody else see that picture and think someone modified a full-sized 4-wheeler to run remotely?

Or, devoid of blood... There’s this weird white-knuckle look where her toes are crammed up against the side

Damn, that is always the worst.
“How long until that dish is ready?”
“Well, 8 minutes. Plus, like, 10 minutes before the thing heats up and the timer starts counting down”

I’ve also noticed prep times are notoriously underestimated. We’ve got a Dr. Pepper pulled pork recipe where the prep is to chop up a 4 pound roast,