Bless you, burner. Bless you.
Bless you, burner. Bless you.
"I don't like Indian food, but I don't write one-star Yelp reviews of Indian restaurants that say "this place would be better with more cheeseburger choices.""
Great, now I have to figure out a recipe for a Tikka Masala burger.
But we like this site. Please don't delete it.
with seating for 8, a 6 liter engine, and handling like a mini Cooper
Curious hoe, indeed. But the 'wraparound' costs extra.
That was my first thought; buy car for thousands less than it should cost, park it for a few months, get it fixed for free.
Ah, I mistook that this was a landline, rather than a cell phone that would be in your pocket.
My soon-to-be inlaws have their home phone somehow bundled with cable, so when the phone rings, the caller ID pops up on the TV, which seems to accomplish something similar.
"Mans Man's Mens Men's Mini Wallet"?
So, this is for ladies, right?
Or men who like that men like men who like men, but like women themselves?
I don't want to sound insensitive, but I have a much easier time being curt with the barely-understandable guy calling from an 87π area code than the polite volunteer from a local charity.
I'd rather get a few calls from easily ignored numbers than wondering about every local incoming number.
Is that really more efficient than just reading the screen and ignoring the random numbers, or do you have your phone set up to not ring on unknown ones?
I remember my last dumbphone being able to assign specific ringtones to specific numbers, and just assigning 'silent' to the college fundraising number, so I never…
At least it's easy to just not ever answer 888 numbers...
Don't engage with the telemarketer in any way. This gives them the false hope that you may just need some convincing and are actually interested in their product. Do not ask questions. Do not explain why you are not interested in the product. Do not show empathy or other human characteristics.
Bottom picture with the steering wheel has direction arrow buttons and a button with a mouth speaking, which turns on voice control in my GF's Ford.
That said, I would much rather see the voice controls demonstrated than someone scrolling through their contacts.
Aaaaaaaaagh! Every time.
*Tap story I would like to read. Screen shifts up and opens a completely different story. Hit Back. Repeat. Turn off phone.*
My point is that if you can send a robot into a place you wouldn't risk sending a person, it's a valuable perspective.
Except that when the bot turns a corner and stumbles on an armed, panicked smuggler, it's 30k down the drain rather than, best case scenario, a wounded border patrol officer stuck in a dank tunnel
I tried it with iced coffee, thinking the caffeine would speed things up even more. Success!
If you hold down the 'power' button on your computer while you press alt+f4, it unlocks the secret overclocking menu, and depending on the model, the liquid cooling feature.