Would love to see your comments on a Ball forum, lol. You would be shredded back to posting in the anime forums.
Would love to see your comments on a Ball forum, lol. You would be shredded back to posting in the anime forums.
Texas things. Not surprised.
or how about convection on a grill with a pan of water. Sometimes we are constantly trying to reinvent stuff that....really don’t matter much .
Did you miss the part of why they were stuck? Battering storm delayed the event. As a diabetic trying to function as a normal human, this would be life threatening.
Love this article...go Trump!
Ikr, Aliens on moonshine is a stupid name, but it is oh sooooo good.
One thing not mentioned in comments or article is the retaliatory capabilities Carriers have after suffering a first strike on international bases or, god forbid, mainland USoA. Mobility in a CV-TF has it’s own deterrence.
Your child will despise you for owning a pos fossil fuel dependant vehicle. Buy a blatantly obvious and useful off road vehicle for the coming zombie apocalypse.
IDC about your grfx settings and opinions, game looks great for me and story from what i have played so far is great. Combat is a bit wonky, perhaps just need to get used to it. Great so far.
NBA all star taking shit from clowns , Laker Nation hurting is embarrasing.
So sad some people don’t watch ball much, especially spurs ball.
Another ‘really’ and you almost convinced me.
Music Industry standard HD250?
Name checks, think bigger picture Quasar
Fuck rich white people
Assholes on the internet is a great name for a punk rock band
We all need the Oracle baking cookies and talking to us to sooth our inquisitiveness. Here, have a cookie, it will make you feel right as rain..
Mayer has a profound affinity to playing the blues as well....on an electric guitar.
Scared young people concerned that older men get into a tussle, life kids.
Wait, this is true?! Didn’t have the time to check out what civ6 is all about with the changes.