Lao Che Air Freight

The new Mummy movie trailers got me nostalgic for the Brendan Fraser films, especially for the first two films, so I knocked out this tribute video over the past week:

I'm thinking he's looking a lot like Oliver Reed these days..

Maybe if he ate a burger once in a while he wouldn't be so unhealthy…

Check out their bit in Stormy Weather, it's pretty mind-blowing.

Nina, Nina Nina, I'll be having schizophrenia….

Ohhhhhhh - the cat's eaten it..

He's just keeping his trap shut and staying squeaky clean since he's got a big payday from the Mouse coming.

Rotated the movie posters on the walls, replaced Indy, Flash Gordon and Superman with POTC1, TinTin, and an Italian version of Struzan's Chinatown poster. Also watched several of the Robert Osbourne highlights, hadn't seen the Liza one, that was pretty good..

Because 5 minutes after a good quality version goes online all the torrent sites have it.

Ma Kelley enjoys a good whitefish when she goes to the cinema..

"Apparently, the DVD/Blu-ray version of the episode will only have the original"

Someone needs to get Melissa McCarthy signed up for the Mickey Rooney bio stat, because that she would be awesome to play him in the middle age years, that was uncanny. Pumpkins and that are are the tops for this season for sure - when she grabbed the podium my eyes were watering from laughter..

Some of us actually want to see more Gibbs and Barbossa, the other stalwarts of this series, if you can believe it

One thing you can say about those movies, the money is definitely there onscreen. DMC's production design is just one of the amazing things about that film.

Almost a bit of strawberry jam back there!

Solange and Thanks for All the Fish

That really counterpointed the surrealism of the underlying metaphor…

He's playing a major role, it's not just a cameo, and it's villain? Well, I guess I will be seeing this after all…

Maybe the magic phrase Delores whispered to her is the source/cause of Maeve's initial changes?

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