
Unfortunately, I don’t think any of that is particularly compelling for a DBZ RPG. Mainly because so many of the required storybeats and characters are so dependent on those iconic moments that you really can’t get away from that stuff. More importantly, most of the arcs in Z are so dependent on beat-the-clock

I’d argue that a full on DragonBall rpg could absolutely work, since it’s far removed from planet destroying fights of Z, and contains a lot of the elements that would be perfect for an open-world RPG

This sounds like another anime fighter that people only buy because of its blatant fanservice. I love DBZ, but I’m not interested in playing an RPG where I already know exactly what’sgoing to happen, padded out with fetch quest so it can fit the requirements for an RPG.

I”ll stick with Fighterz

That and most games tend to have an icon that directs you to the end game credits immediately for this purpose.  

That and worrying about what Magats think is...well pointless.

But does it matter.  Shit, there are news reports calling this for what it is—bullshit.  But you might as well be preaching to the choir.  The fox crowd is lost.  There is no evidence that will turn your average Trumper against the republicans because they don’t want to.  Because it’s haaaaard having to think and it’s

Shocking: White people, especially white men, are often under the delusion that they’re not a part of society. That they can say whatever they want, whenever they want, and it’s not a reflection of their character. The “you don’t know what’s in my heart” state of mind.

And those Maga Chuds better be lining up en masse to join the military.  They wanna die for old billionares--let ‘em.

My issue with articles like this, and the comments that follow, suggest that Destiny can never really win. It’s either Destiny is bad because you actually have to play the game and do quests to get the gear you want, or Destiny is bad because it’s cool with just letting you purchase that cool emote or universal

Reminds me of all those boomers who say “well at least he’s doing something..”

Hey man—My Titan is gorgeous.

Eh.  Good Kid Mad City is the superior album.  Hell Section 80 is better than both of the..

I concur—Haim is dope.

To be fair, it’s been an issue with AV club for awhile.

I dunno. Kinda seems like you’re awful people.

Yeah...I’m sure the internet will begin arguing whether that’s the real thing or digital.

But I think that’s kind of the point, right? Crudup Manhattan tries, but doesn’t really care. Yahya Manhattan cares, but is so trapped by his abilities.

1. Good that you feel that way because it tells me you’re a good boss, or at least trying to be one.

2. I said this in this thread earlier, but execs who have to rely on humiliating or abusing their workers are terrible at their jobs. It’s a short term solution to a problem that will get worse over time. Because at

This is absolutely a case that, despite me often defending Pokémon, it really would be beneficial if they fleshed out these characters.  Make the rival more than simply that dude you stomp on everytime you meet him.