
Make her watch good family sitcoms, like the Middle.

Wouldn't you too?

John Stamos

Wait, what?

Have mercy!

I'd feel weird thinking she was hot. I saw her when she was only like 4-5 on the show.

Don't forget bad. I'm attracted to Carol from the Last Man on Earth.

Wait, is this real? Lol

It's coming early. We're getting a That's So Raven sequel this year.

You'd be happy too, if you finally found something that worked after a series of shows cancelled in their first season.

Go home, Roger!

I'm going to be sad when the Middle, Fresh Off the Boat, and the Goldbergs end. ;(

One of the only shows that hasn't flanderized their characters.

It sure is baffling that people would like something that you don't like! It's unfathomable!

Does this mean trouble for the Middle? 😕

The Blacks

Better than a lot of the crap on the radio. I don't understand why you wouldn't like it.

I love Horchata, both the song and drink.

TIL old songs are bad.

It showed them eating at Lewis' house. It doesn't take much to think that they stocked up in between trips.