
Should be "work out."

Dang Millennials. GET A JOB!


Robert California was one of the worst characters on the Office.

Looks phallic.

But would his Angels be there?

Everyone handles stuff differently. That's like saying someone should be a certain way when someone they love dies, which is not true at all.

Born in 1991. I just think the music is hilariously bad. I, personally, feel bad for him though.

This. I laughed at the music video because it was bad, not because Feldman hasn't had success for over 25 years.

I think it's his old 80s movie money.

The dude is pretty messed up though.

Satire that has gone on for 4 years?

go 4 it


He was good in the Goonies.

Hnnnng. Chorizo



So you're just going to ignore how awesome it looks?