
a e s t h e t i c

Seriously. What's really funny is that I've seen so many authors and commenters on AVC who seem to look down at a lot of shows, not to mention, go on and on about all the good shows no one else has heard of.

I think FoB, the Middle, and the Goldbergs are all better.

He sounds like Fozzie Bear. Lol

Better than all their comedies that died within their first season (save for Go On).

*Laughter ensues*

"In that one"

ABC is still doing better than most of the other network channels.

Seriously. "Just because I don't like [insert show] means it isn't worth watching!" Even with the shows I don't care for, I still see their merit.

The Middle, Fresh Off the Boat, and the Goldbergs?

Watch the Middle, Fresh Off the Boat, and the Goldbergs.

Give the Middle, Fresh Off the Boat, and the Goldbergs a chance.

Home Movies!

I'm still salty about Fox cancelling Surviving Jack.

Malcolm in the Middle and Parker Lewis did it better.

Eh. I've seen far worse animated films, which I'm not proud of.

It's time to pay the price!

Home Movies FTW

That's a different man baby. He's talking about the one played by Beck Bennett.
