

You know what else produces new content for your whole life? MY MOM!

I really hope that the newest album wasn't just a fluke and Weezer continues to put out good stuff.

I've Had It Up to Here FTW.

Joel McHale as Rivers? O_O

This will be make up almost the entirety of the dialogue in the show.

#HumbleBrag #Goingtogetsomefroyo #YOLO

Jesus was the first straight edger.

You mean Midol?

Like Lost? Heroes?

But is it good ol' fashioned fun?

I thought it fit his awkward character.

What episode?

Gene jacket!

"I ate the bones!"

Sufjan Stevens went back to folk though!

I honestly don't think it does.

Wait, what? Do you happen to have a pic of the early Spideys?

Talk about an easy job. Same goes for those "tech gurus" that you see on the news.

Spider-Man could also have "YOLO" stitched onto his suit.