
And I quote:

It’s about ethics in turf judging.

He’s a bad person? That is a really strange thing to say because someone dislikes the game you enjoy.

If my video drives sales for this game there is something seriously wrong with video game consumers.

It’s a pity they chose such a piss poor and trite way of presenting the game, because the graphical style and isometric look of it actually interests me.

A bit relieved, since this game is fairly mediocre I hope there isn’t too much more talk of it, it’s not exactly the groundbreaking project I think gaming needs.

It shouldn’t be. The Wii U is pretty much the only console you need if you have a decent PC. Its makes a fantastic case for itself while the PS4 and Xbone have not.

Don’t you have until the end of the day? (also I think it’s just using their Splatoon art kit, but who knows)

That’s one of the reasons we published this!

After funding, the team was ready to get into full development on the project… or so we thought. It turns out finishing a Kickstarter campaign doesn’t mean you can focus completely on development. Nope! We had about half of the team working on backer rewards, while the rest of the team started work on the prototype. I

I wonder what kind of financial impact having a featured article on a site like Kotaku makes. I just went and ordered off Steam after reading this; it would be interesting to get real numbers on how many people did the same thing.

I can practically feel the salt flowing from that Link player.

you forgot the most important one.........