
That’s pretty damn coincidental that I woke up to this, considering that I started work on a geodesic dome for my own costume just last night. I have a hell of a lot more hexagons and pentagons to go, and it’s a real hassle to cut them out of really thick cardboard. :[

It was also discussed in the backer forums, but I didn’t want to just assume you were a backer, haha. It was all confirmed rather subtly so I don’t blame you.

No, I’m not talking about Call. Ray has already been confirmed to be female, as well as there being clearly female torsos in her other concept art sketches. I wouldn’t say I’m particularly thrilled about it since I originally assumed Ray was male, but it’s official so whatever.

I’m completely fine with this update, considering how they’ve delayed it for the purpose of adding a bunch of highly requested features for no extra charge, including ANOTHER playable character which is even more icing on this cake.

You called it Tina? LMAOOO

People with the maturity equivalent of a spiteful, passive aggressive ex-girlfriend in highschool shouldn’t be allowed in positions where big business decisions are made. You’re running a goddamn company, and you’re making products to sell with the intention of keeping loyal customers, and appealing to new ones.

First Capcom does this immature baby bitch fit with the firing of Inafune by cancelling like 4 different Mega man games AND shitting on the franchise’s anniversary, and now Konami is echoing that here with Silent Hills and all the logos on previous MGS games being removed, etc.

There’s no Levi.....

I think its good that they’re trying out unique ideas for gameplay mechanics but the way that they executed it here, with the point and fly thing is... well, it just looks plain boring to play with? I don’t know about this game.

wait, what?

Oh, I was hoping it would show his custom moves too. :c

Hmm, a console Dissidia game? I might have one more reason to buy a PS4 if it ends up on there.


I voted for Klonoa, why is he so far fetched of a character to have? He has the perfect image to fit in with other smash characters, has MORE than enough content for a moveset if you count his weapons in Klonoa Heroes, and he’s appeared more than once on Nintendo consoles.

I just got mine now, very, very late in the day, with zero hassle and at retail price on There are (were?) 16 copies literally just sitting there, I'm not sure if anyone even knows but if you still want one, try amazon? And it was from amazon itself, not from a random seller.

NiGHTS is genderless.

I know right? I think my favorite is the Kirlia/Audino one~

All I know is that they featured this artist's pokefusions before, a long time ago. These are their latest ones though. :>

Oh sure, but when I mailed you guys Josi's fabulous new (but now old news) poke fusions weeks and weeks ago you didn't care enough. I see how it is. LAN SEES.

Oh god they were falling off the ceiling....