I want one so baaad ;-;
Actually, the more recent Rayman titles are beautifully-styled and pretty fun-looking games. He's the only exception but for everything else yeah, I agree. All of those (minus Sonic) were reasons for me to play my PSX, as well as others like Tomba or Brave Fencer Musashi or the Oddworld series. Even Klonoa. All of…
Yeah, I saw trailers for the Thieves in Time one and it really made me want to give the series a chance~ :D
TL;DR: I feel like no console but Nintendo consoles and sometimes PC has the kinds of games I like anymore.
I'll stick with my WiiU and my 3DS. I like absolutely nothing for Xbox and I never have, and now it's like the PS4 has become a carbon copy of it, game selection-wise. I don't like playing games like Destiny, GTA, Gran Turismo, CoD, The Last of Us, etc.
Everyone complained about too much Rosalina, and now everyone complains about too much Link. I guess I should just go back to Rosalina then? MAKE UP YOUR MINDS! >8[
I haven't been this excited for DLC since I bought Gig for Disgaea 4. Oh and also Mewtwo in Smash, silly me.
Came to the article just to see if someone would put this here. The ultimate X action XD
I'm in an apartment and while I know the people across the hall have a kid, no one came knocking. Not like I exactly had candy to give anyways, all I have is a few ferrero rocher's.
I actually wanted to hang out with friends and have fun though. I kept asking people what they were doing and no one freaking answered me. Bl
It's funny because this hat on me does the reverse. It's so poofy that it looks funny on my tiny head XD
I just got the shirt and hat from a con so this was pretty much a no effort costume XD
Good thing then that all I play on my phone is Puzzle and Dragons. You can play it sideways and the screen won't rotate for you so I can lay on my side just like with my 3DS.