Lani Parker

So, instead of Masters of Sex, The Knick, The Americans, Rectify or The Walking Dead getting nods (in the categories that matter), Game of Thrones and Downton Abbey were nominated AGAIN, despite the apparent fact that a lot of people didn't really care for their most recent seasons.

Donna's mom is the quintessential awful in-law. Seriously, back off you old bat.

I enjoyed this one a lot, too. I think AV Club is just dead set on disliking this season.


Holy crap, I am psychic. I knew this review would be negative about 5 minutes into the episode.

It is set during a time where people used terms like "ghastly". Of course, he looks unnaturally hideous to them.

Lyle, you beautiful, beautiful creature. That one nightcomer sure choked him out for a long time, though.

to overcomplicate/muddle

I couldn't disagree more. :/

I wasn't expecting homes to go down so quick, though. I hope the detective subplot doesn't also get rushed to a close.

So Satan's purpose is to obfuscate the theory of Evolution?

If Sembene-wolf kills Gray, this show will secure its place as one of my all time favorite shows.

Goddamnit, show. First Angelique and now Sembene. I had my suspicions he would bite it this season. I hate seeing them come to pass. :/

Looks like he is visiting his bro next episode. Hopefully, that won't come with more barbs to his character. Somebody has to like Gordon.

Part of me expects the reveal the baby is not Gordon's but for the life of me I can't imagine who else's it is. Which means she has to make a decision very soon.
I think his fiance is a bit paranoid. Also, they don't really go well together.

Oh hell, we are back to me liking the show far more than AV club reviews. I guess it was inevitable this would come to pass (I mean, what is the point in keeping McNairy and Pace on the show if they are just going to fade into the background?

OMG. This positive review makes me so happy.

Dorian, you piece of shit.

"Stop killing my people" lulz

I disagree on Reek. It really could have gone either way. Dude is spineless.