
Walkthrough for Burn the Rope.

@rich8606: Ashe looked like a dull clone of Yuna. Once I played the game she became possibly my favorite hero yet in the series. #chocobo

I wish I could grow one. My cheeks just won't cooperate.

That looks awesome. too bad I hate bejeweled... why must it be the template for all these puzzle rpgs!? #gyromancer

15 minutes? I have never waited more than 50 seconds for a match — and I've played about 100. #leagueoflegends

What is wrong with all these people who have hobbies! We should work 20 hours a day for more money! #money

Wait wait wait.... bombs are all hidden in bright red barrels. The video game kids should be owning this! #army

@AlroyPhaethon: Skelzor is named so for the entry in Drake's journal during the course of the game. It is the skeleton in Boreo which is holding the golden knife and has the blackened teeth.

@NeVeRMoRe666: Agreed. If the game presents the shooting of civilians as something the player is forced to do under pain of death, that is fairly complex. The fact that is upsetting people is a GOOD thing. I think this goes down in history as the first time a major game's violence has upset gamers. I think that's a

I like the europe one better. My favorite moments of recent zelda games have not been combat related.

@Friedhamster: To me its all about the atmosphere and how many ways you can go about every obstacle. You really feel immersed in that world. I say best game of this generation for how well they pulled the 'feel' of the game off. #bioshock2

@Sl0th: They must have changed the story — it was originally planned as a prequel and you were the first big daddy and somehow the big sisters died out.

District 9 is too high quality a genre flick for God of War 3. There should be a more appropriate movie.... can't think of any in the right time frame though. #ps3

The fact that all the mixes are pre-done and you can't put your own spin on it at all is unforgivable. Even parts where you are supposed to be scratching the game audio always has a set scratch-rhythm. It would have been SO EASY to let you scratch your own groove, so to speak. The whammy bar in Guitar Hero gave you


Not that surprised. I even got a pre-release demo kit and while the turntable is very well built, the game doesn't take much advantage of the potential for creative mixes. It makes the game feel more 'forced' than Guitar Hero, which is a bummer. If you got to play with the mixes it would really be a true music

@Spiders88: I thought it got a great reception but the buzz died out quickly. I'm not sure why... #resistance2

@rich8606: Well, the coop specific challenges have become huge in later games. Its just a shame there is no local support #resistance2