Mixed emotions, but this is an exodus of the head of the two reasons I even glance at BioWare anymore.
Mixed emotions, but this is an exodus of the head of the two reasons I even glance at BioWare anymore.
They’d have been better off putting Ben Shapiro in a wig next to Rudy.
On the last point about Valhalla... I’m going to suggest the same thing, but for different reasons.
1) More bugs will be ironed out, and you may not notice some of the game-breaking/halting bugs if you wait.
Is it a pure server? Does it maintain the correct time restrictions and require me to annoy friends to get bonuses?
I don’t want any of those noob-friendly servers that just let you do anything you want all willy-nilly.
Most of them end up being given to various girlfriends/friends as I try to decide what to do with them. I got a Xbox One X Scorpio edition; my GF’s apartment flooded in a hurricane, and she just ended up with my old Xbox One. I’ve kept a PS2 and that is pretty much it for my older than current gen systems.
I always…
So, hear me out. This won’t happen, but I wish it would...
Downloaded patch on my Xbox One X. My personal biggest offenders are all still there (some of which were directly referenced in the patch notes).
Absolutely. Every Borderlands introduced at least one new band to my playlist.
Immortals: Lakyn Falling, Immortals: Brynlee Running
As much as I have my own issues with the gameplay in AC Valhalla, I’ve really taken a liking to the majority of the various characters that I’ve been introduced to. Almost to a point where for some, I wish I’d get to spend more time with them.
*fingers crossed*
Yep, and real innovation is sidelined or cut out to be provided later as gestures of goodwill.
“The doctor told me my pica could take me to some very dark places after I told him about my old Chili’s commercial dreams that I had every night.”
I’m still muddling through AC: Valhalla, trying to figure out what has me disliking it but still wanting to play it. I know I like the story, but something about the controls and presentation of the game just doesn’t sit right with me. I know I miss the ‘stealth puzzler’ aspect of previous games, and the stealth…
You can safely ignore anything someone posts before the words ‘but’ and ‘aside’.
“I’m not racist, but...”
You can safely ignore anything someone posts before the words ‘but’ and ‘aside’.
“I’m not racist, but...”
I really am trying my damndest to get into this game. The story is great, and is delivered in a cool way.
Damn, seriously. Jordan being brought back on through some Dr. Strange ‘multiverse’ stuff would be the absolute best. You’d get some more of Jordan’s awesome acting, you’d get a chance to see him show remorse for his not-him-but-him actions...
Misread as ‘Animorphic’, and am sorely disappointed.
This is the first console generation since the Xbox 360 that I haven’t been actively involved during. Either working for Gamestop or just being able to take part in the early adoption and launch period hype.
Democrat and Republican Perfect Strangers, they seem so different but learn that they share one thing in common: they hate women! Premiering on CBS!