I’m still with you on hating Solas.
I’m still with you on hating Solas.
Still a little disappointed that there doesn’t seem to be love interests for the PC... or well, that it feels like the convention is just going away all together.
How much enjoyment does someone miss out on if they really never got into Digimon? This style of game feels right up my alley as a Persona fan, but I know next to nothing about Digimon.
I’m getting over a bout of food poisoning, so I might settle into something comfortable like Stardew Valley this weekend.
Rash of these have been hitting my city as well.
This is the Quattre Raberba Winner of this thread, and I don’t know what I expected.
I need numbers. How many cans are we talking?
“Heh haw hooah... Man, I’m pretty.”
I was well and truly hoping he was suing Subway for the absurdity of it all.
I think you are low-balling the amount of ‘Women for Trump’ that have said ‘Yas, Queen’ unironically and play Rihanna while they are jazzercising.
As much as I am hoping to be surprised, I’m still happy to have voted for Beto and to have seen so many fellow Texans do the same.
Been three days.. but, if you study the animal you’ll see a star rating and an option to press right bumper on Xbox (R1 on Ps4?) to view a brief description with the important part of info - which weapon (sometimes which ammo) will give you a clean kill. Clean kill on a 3-star quality animal gives a perfect pelt.
I’ve got perfect pelts, pomade, and peacemakers on the horizon.
I really felt like this was a whole ‘NPC’ troll in waiting.
I am going to spend a week on vacation with friends, and one of the apprehensions I’m running into is not being able to play this game for a week.
I feel like that’s a pretty glowing endorsement, and this system is one of the reasons.
Glad to see I’m not the only one slowly clearing entire bases of people, even though I could probably take them all on at once.
Some of the romance stuff just seems too... cringey for me to even pick it? I legitimately liked Odessa, but there were moments where the flirt just seemed... wrong. So, I’m pretty sure I missed my chance after the second meeting.