Bourbon Dingo

I’ll have you know it’s Sacagawea sauce! You’d know that if you were a real Dick and Bortly fan!

Anybody else waiting until deep discount on Shadow of War? I was gung-ho to pick it up on release after how much I enjoyed SoM, but every review talks about how the games ‘true ending’ is locked behind a massive grind that seems to be there only to convince you to buy lootboxes...

‘some’ good people...

Try working in the VA as ex-Army... You’d think learning not to say soldier would be easier.

It is petty, but I already dislike the arcade because of it sharing a name with the worst bridge in the US.

mySundown84. Fan of JimmyEatWorld and a desperate need to impress an emo girl I crushed on...

I just went through this as well, I finally decided to keep (and display) the games that meant the most to me and donated/gave away the rest.

Third Reich makes a left?

Will absolutely give this a try when I get home. Thanks much.

Will absolutely give this a try when I get home. Thanks much.

Honestly, I have not really gotten into it because I’m still waiting to get my Xbox One X before delving deeply into it, but I’m always up for some learning.

Honestly, I have not really gotten into it because I’m still waiting to get my Xbox One X before delving deeply into

“No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”

I got this exact model about a month ago, and it’s great.

I got this exact model about a month ago, and it’s great.

Or he does, but is doing it on purpose... which is far worse.

I’m more concerned about the effect it’ll have on RDR2's singleplayer updates. I assume there will be as many as there were for GTAV after Online started printing money.

Absolutely correct. Also correct right now is that Harvest Moon =/= Harvest Moon.

Not trolling. I’m aware of some good games, but I’m also a fan of the Nintendo ecosystem for specific series only. So, since Harvest Moon is now a shell of its former name and it doesn’t look like Story of Seasons is going anywhere but handhelds (and I’ve got SV on two different systems at this point), I’m really down

I will buy a Switch when *proper* Animal Crossing releases.

I think I still need something to convince me to get this console. Probably an Animal Crossing, to be honest.

I think I still need something to convince me to get this console. Probably an Animal Crossing, to be honest.

I’m just gonna have to start referring to 45 as this... maybe I’ll even be respectful and call him ‘President Failed New Jersey Generals Owner’.