Samsung just had to get their fingers into another pot...
Samsung just had to get their fingers into another pot...
We don’t actually care. We just care about winning the argument.
Also, accrue enough of them in one place and they’ll shut down public schools.
Protip - Press X to JASON!.
As in, ‘they don’t even try and care.’
That’s a good one.
Who would be the perfect casting for Reed in the MCU right now?
It also allows you to place blame on someone.
I played Until Dawn with a group of 3 other friends (two non-gamers who picked up the controls pretty quick) in lieu of our usual movie night for about three weeks. Still the most amount of fun we’ve had during the nights, most likely.
What it says on his vest, at least.
Just crumpled against the weight of it all.
I’m gonna be honest. Neither this, nor Tyranny grabbed me beyond their concepts. I tried playing both, but just kinda feel like they fell flat in comparison to what I remember enjoying in isometric RPG’s.
I remember giving some of my money to my older brother to get a Sega Genesis, but I didn’t get a game with that and I never really got into playing it. So, the first game I spent my* money on was in 1997. FF7 was bought for me, but I’m pretty sure I ended up buying Jet Moto with my Christmas gift money.
If anyone wants to pay my $350 pet deposit and subsidize my $25 dollar a month rent increase, I’ll totally get a dog for the exercise.
I feel like I could define this as a unsolicited dick pic.
Word of warning. Translate directly, do not google.
3 minutes before you posted this in the greys, in fact.
They are just hiding until it passes over. Like Y2K.
Yeah! Why should I have to pay for things I won’t ever use?! Why do I pay more so that tax exemptions can happen for churches?