
I'll wait for the Micheal Jackson game to get Kinect.

@NinjaMarion: Awesome ... but Telus isn't as widely available as Bell, right?

@radinplaid: I have Double Dragon ... awesome game

I sense some upcoming artificial shortages if they release it too close to December...

@Bouzi: Go Habs Go!: Yeah I have the Canadian Netflix ... it's decent, but the selection needs a lot of work.

Looks really nice ... wish something like this was available in Canada

Shame indeed. I haven't really tracked the lifespan of XBLA games, but I own over 100 and all seem to still be available. Is Outrun the 1st to be killed this way?

What about the classic music?

@mark.p0rter: and LIVE / Achievements. Worth it to me.

I loved Sunset Riders!

I agree with most, except:

Did Miyamoto really say "fudge it"?

Some levels look a lot like World of Goo ... I'm in.

This, free Bejeweled 2 and the X-Men Arcade news have made my weekend, thank you!

@relic1980: Took longer for me to enter my billing address & install it than it took to download the .exe.

Waiting for it to come to X360 with LIVE.

U just made my weekend!

Those catches are pretty small, c'mon.

Where's the Kinect Gun?