
She said that after Mary was goading her. She tried to stall the announcement initially.

Speaking of which, at this point shouldn't she be seeing Clarkson to find out why her death vagina is on the fritz?

I think the moment in which you see just how petty and insecure she is in her bitchiness is when she gives her father the dig about sacking Barrow. That's shows how if she's pissed and Edith's not in the room anyone can end up being the target.

I don't know about anyone else, but Edith's supposedly dull and bookish Bertie was way more attractive to me than any of Mary's pretty boy parade.

Technically, she never had actually accepted him, she just let him take her loving him and needing to be sure as being as good as being accepted. Not that that is right, but it's not like she actually accepted a ring etc.

I maintain the best ending for this episode would have been if after her tirade at Mary, Edith packed up Anna, Tom and the kids and then set fire to the house and gleefully watched it burn down over everyone's heads.

Yeah, when Tom's pissed you know you screwed up.

Keep it going another 20 years and then have the most anticipated geriatric sex scene in history.

How have none of the gentlemen on here yet suggested Jacobs as Mulder and Allison Brie as Scully and keep the sexual tension? I'm a hetero woman and I think that would be hot.

Mulder and Scully have a rough night after eating at Chipotle.

That is actually how Mitchell wrote him, morally opposed to slavery but standing by traditions and the system.

I'd like to see current season Robert and Violet travel back to season 2 when Sybil announced her intention to marry Tom and tell themselves, chill, in 10 or 15 years your other daughters will have had an illicit romp in a hotel with a potential husband and have had a child out of wedlock, Sybil will be dead and the

Well there was IWTB. That suffered from much of the same problem. it didn't know what it was saying about the case or the characters.

While this episode clearly went to the Carter's not as smart as he thinks he is IWTB/Fight Club level of awfulness, I do want to say I don't think this whole revival was a bad idea. Overall I've enjoyed it and would not mind seeing them give it an annual or bi annual event series slot. I think much could be learned

Abrasive is the word that comes to mind regarding Einstein.

Chris Carter needs to be involved in the process as he's a huge part of the show's DNA, however, there should be some oversight to keep him from getting this self indulgent and pointless. This episode was graded astonishingly high, but let's not dismantle the whole house to fix a leaky faucet.

I want to give Chris Carter a good hard smack upside the head after this one. He tried to tackle terrorism, love, hate and religion but tried to stay lighthearted, which was just distasteful (not to mention the bad use of stereotypes all around, and I'm including the pointless, bizarre and annoying M&S clones in

Thank you, I forgot about that. lmao.

Getting life altering news can be very surreal and make you feel like you are losing seconds of what is going on around you while being stuck in your own head. That shot was a pretty good visual representation of that for me, but all art is subjective, so it may not have read that way to you.

I didn't hate it here, although it is frequently misused. But it conveyed the out of time surrealism of a moment like that pretty well in this case.