
Kevin Connolly is way older than I thought.

And this is the year My So Called Life was cancelled.

As long as we get more John Cullum.

I'm thinking Home Again means back at the FBI after a set up first episode. But an episode like Home would be welcome. Although to me the scariest episodes were the two with Donnie Pfaster the 'death fetishist' serial killer. Fun fact, he was originally written as a necrophiliac but that wouldn't fly with the

She tweeted a phone covered selfie of some long red hair today apparently.

That was my first thought. 1st episode would have to be somewhat mythology to explain why they would be involved in X-files again and 2nd episode they are "Home Again" at the FBI (maybe in the basement).

Entourage is hysterical if you don't take it seriously. It's intended to poke fun at Hollyweird cliches. The fact that people apparently thought they were supposed to like or approve of these guys is more disturbing than anything. They are supposed to be douchebags, that's what makes it funny.

Nearer My God to Thee

I think it was more a takedown of asshole comedy club owners and the house hacks. The rest of the people he encountered were fairly cool. The old man playing lovely music, the nice ladies having fun at a flea market.

This episode wins for a Langston Hughes joke.

I'm saying I don't normally like to look at a 17 year old and say, wow, check out her boobs, regardless of what she is wearing. The costume department didn't give her very supportive undergarments, and she may not have realized how it drew attention until long after the scene was shot. The same thing could happen to

Sometimes the greatest romances spring from a platonic friendship with a touch of hostility at times.

It was enigmatic, slightly anti-climactic, and ultimately satisfying. Joan and Peggy swap places a bit, with Peggy getting the guy and Joan becoming fully independent. Pete tries to take a risk rather than just aiming to please (here's hoping that plane stayed aloft). Roger found a more age appropriate sass master.

The image of Forevertron at the top reminds me of the pieces that the Chris character on Northern Exposure built. Props to that show's set/prop designers.

Before or after, it can add, during? It's rude to the actors and to the fellow audience members who can see the glow of your phone.

When are Charlie and Diane getting a spinoff about their weird rivalry? I'd so watch that.

For the record, the terms shipping and shipper actually originated on X Files message boards during the original run to define fans who wanted a romantic relation'ship' between the characters. It's been used to death since then, but I will always 'ship' the chemistry that created a term.

I did find myself missing Peggy and Roger about halfway through.

I thought about that being what Don was pitching in the beginning and thought it was a nice bit of irony.

After her issues last year schizophrenia has come to mind more than once. Poor little soul.