
Hem Hem…he even makes his parents call him Mulder.

So much fun to see Stephen Colbert playing a character other than "Stephen Colbert". It's been a while. :)

Twice I thought we were headed for dildo jokes in this episode and twice I got something less funny/interesting. Sigh…

I actually really liked the moment Beth gave Haley. Not only was she real, but she was tall busty and pretty, and apparently is more ambitious than Haley, and Haley seemed really taken aback and a bit insecure, a nice moment for the always confident character. And I saw the Beth Israel joke coming as soon as it was

That would actually be really interesting (if not a complete rip off of Roseanne) to have the smart daughter with 'potential' end up married or pregnant young ie: Becky marries Mark.

Definitely Bill Moves On. Way to hard to rewatch. I was just thinking of it a couple of weeks ago when BBT killed Mrs. Wolowitz, thankfully they just left it to a short end scene where the emotion was real, and we of course were not as attached to the actress not having seen her or known her. My Lunch is the worst

My Lunch is definitely a gut wrencher. It's all down to John McGinley's wonderful performance.

This list failed to put Twilight in the Time Capsule

I hear there's going to be a producer's cut with a future for Shawna, perhaps she finds Brandanoquits?

Way to call the only original Neil Simon joke the 'modern' one.

Thank you! Wanted to make sure someone pointed that out. Truthfully, that was the only joke that landed for me in this pilot and I already knew it.

What's the South American equivalent of a Dingo? I'm calling that!

Why would I want to see John Oliver lose his complete creative control to explore in depth little covered issues without corporate pressure from advertisers? I love the institution of The Daily Show, and I'm sure Oliver does as well, but it would be a step backward for him as far as creative freedom. I'd rather see

Whether one finds Oliver funny or sympathetic in tone (which I do), I tend to think someone who has gone through the rigors of immigration, has a spouse who served in Iraq and is in the greencard position of taxation without representation, may have more of a right to comment on "America" than I do as a native born

The fundamental mistake the media has made about the relationship between Jon and his audience is that people have received their news from him. That is incorrect. As much fun as he has given us in skewering the media and current events, the basis of the loyalty and affection has is that he is the voice that has

I agree that Poehler and Fey are less likely. I'm just thinking in terms of the complete job, not just as the face behind the desk. If Seth Meyers wanted a less network voice he would be a good candidate having done the SNL headwriter gig.

Actually, i don't think it was just Sam and Jason's other interests that got Oliver the sub gig. With all the jove and respect in the world for Bee/Jones, John had the IT factor combo of presence, voice and smarts that made it a no brainer. He was the heir apparent at that point, but there is not a clear one now.

Talk to Edith, she might be willing to set another one at this point.

I think you are spot on as to Edith's state of mind at that point. I mean really, she found out her boyfriend was dead and her family immediately went on about hair and a horse race. I think in her frame of mind just grabbing the kid and leaving and not setting fire to the Abbey intentionally this time was

To be fair, I kind of have to wonder how Mrs. Drewe never guessed that her husband's story about the child was a cover the way Edith kept hanging around. And why, when she was flipping out thinking Edith was crushing on her husband did they not just tell her? She doesn't seem like a vindictive person who would blab.