
I relate to Bernadette a bit in this situation. I was a smart kid who got picked on, but also was a pretty girl. Other girls tried to make me not realize this, because well, teenaged girls are the worst, and they likely would feel threatened by someone both smart and pretty. All I wanted by the time high school

I don't know. I have fairly strong feminist views, and I wasn't offended or creeped out by this. The doctor misread some signals and showed up to make a romantic gesture. He dropped it when he found out she was engaged and only tried again because Sheldon mislead him as to her relationship. And it was made clear

I really loved the Middle getting a bit meta. Axel soliloquizing to Shakespeare and Sue actually waiting for something that's not showing up in a pumpkin patch. And blonde Sandy/Sally ditching for real Halloween.

I was kind of expecting the girl to just be cool with it in the end rather than have Brick get a 'social skills' lesson.

Lol for that last line, but cut the kid some slack. Not all young actors can be Eden Sher.

I enjoyed this episode. The only complaint I had was that I didn't quite buy that Phil was not into scary Halloween. He always seemed pretty supportive of it in the past. He even tried to convince Claire she wasn't that scary last season.

I was so gratified by that joke. I've been trying to sell people on the idea that a costume of a very posh Jack the Ripper who enters a party and introduces himself and his companion as, "I'm Jack the Ripper, and this is a dead whore", is funny. (Picture John Cleese delivering it). Stressing that the language is

And technically, I thought she was not into the costume, but rather it was Phil's idea since he and Claire even have the tag at the end.

I totally agree. I was concerned after last week, but I found this week very satisfying. Not the most bizarre, but definitely engaging and entertaining.

I think he was chosen because he was so evil or pure? that he couldn't recognize his own evil. He truly thought he was helping the children, even by murdering their parents. And that was just the right kind of twisted for Voldemort face apparently.

Just opened this to make sure Bad Blood was listed. Good work AV Club. Luke Wilson and his big buck teeth. :)

Fun fact on 3. Did you ever notice the only occasions in the series when it seems Mulder or Scully may have gotten laid, (other than the implied intimacy between the two of them late in the series) the person then tried to kill them? Three and Never Again.

I watched and loved all except for Gilmore Girls and found them similarly paced. Maybe slightly different, but much closer each other than most multi camera sitcoms, or even shows like The Middle and Modern Family. But, alas, we are all different in our perceptions.

And it's episode two. They may be finding their legs. I'd say their first two combined were promising. Not mindblowing, but promising. And look at the first seasons of P&R or The Office (US). Sometimes there will be kinks, but this seems like a pretty solid cast and strong writing to work with, so I'm giving it a

Hmm…P&R and Brooklyn 99 are pretty rapid pace compared to most multi camera sitcoms, imo.

About a Boy is a bit to saccharine for my tastes. Waay too rom com and not enough laughs.

I wouldn't call the 'couple in the middle of a relationship' trope new. Mad About You and Dharma and Greg pop into mind. But I think this is one of the more promising new comedies this year, along with Black-ish and the slow rising Selfie.

I was watching the first few episodes as I've been laid up with a broken foot and bored. I was kind of…meh…but kind of amused. But this one sold me. Is there such a thing as a reverse shark jump for a freshman show? Because for me, it was Kevin's laugh.

Suburbatory was pretty great before their budget got cut. And not terrible after.

Scrubs. Hooch is CRAZY!